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Critical analysis essay examples in nursing

Critical analysis essay examples in nursing

critical analysis essay examples in nursing

Scenario Analysis Scenario Analysis Introduction In the present healthcare service industry, the working environment has become much complex and dynamic at the same time. In this respect, providing efficient care to patients depends on the role and contribution offered by the nursing unit manager to a large extent (American Association of Critical-Care Nurse, ) Critical Incident Analysis Essay Nursing Essay. Info: words (14 pages) Essay Published: 1st Jan in Nursing Reference this Critical Analysis Essay Examples. personally identify of a person is tied intimately to the brain. To explain the statement, thoughts of a person occur in the brain. Any interruption to the brain would lead to the disruption in the reflections. Through the analysis of memory

Critiquing nursing research Free Essay Example

You can download the sample Nursing Case Study on Significance of Jewish Culture on Palliative Care Nursing with the following question for free at the end of this page. For further assistance with Nursing Assignment helpplease check our offerings in Nursing assignment solutions, critical analysis essay examples in nursing. Our subject-matter experts provide online assignment help to Nursing students from across the world and deliver plagiarism free solution with a free Turnitin report with every solution.

AssignmentEssayHelp does not critical analysis essay examples in nursing anyone to use this sample as their own work. Students will critique not describe an online substance-use interview. Your critique will be based on information and interviewing techniques provided via online tutorial activities and other materials available on the Moodle site.

You are to provide a written critique of an online substance-use interview a link to this will be provided via the Moodle site in the 'assessment 1' folder. Headings are to be used in your essay to identify each section. As part of your essay, you are to explain and justify your answers citing appropriate literature, critical analysis essay examples in nursing. Read more in the complete solution PDF document at the end of this page. Assessment of client helps counselors and clinicians to assess the degree of severity of complexities and design treatment regimen with accordance to conditions Delgadillo, et al, critical analysis essay examples in nursing.

The chance of bias and judgmental conclusion in such cases run high, implicating there must be optimized protocol which act as a guideline for the assessor or the interviewer.

This piece of article critically analyses an interview between pharmacotherapy counselor Jess and her client Steve. The interview was designed by Victoria initiative under dual diagnosis heading and issued as a training material for mental health workers and counselors.

The video demonstrates how sensitive questioning should be carried out with clients of dual diagnosis. From the video, it was evident Jess introduced herself as assessor who is there for a comprehensive assessment of substance abuse and dual diagnosis of Steve. She greets Steve and speaks three lines about her and starts with the questioning.

Although, this is the standard method of interview, there is always room for improvement in case critical analysis essay examples in nursing initial contact. Jess could have established better initial contact by asking general questions about breakfast, about day's start, planning for the day, etc.

Evidence shows, individuals suffering from dual diagnosis are usually looking down by the society and community which limits their societal functioning. The video shows, the client although nods to interviewer for a session, he was unable to critical analysis essay examples in nursing eye contact which might be due to low self-esteem.

During initial stage of interview he looks towards wall clock for time, indicating he might have some works and he might be in a hurry to complete the session Darghouth, Nakash, O. In the interview session the counselor asks Steve 'Have you been to such service before? If the question would have been asked — Have you availed any medical service for any ailments or mental health issues?

The communication plays the most important role from start to end in an interview session. In this case, although interviewer successfully established respect with Steve evident from the total interview, rapport could have been enhanced based upon evidence based literature. Building rapport helps in establishing a working alliance for a longer duration Clarkson, critical analysis essay examples in nursing, et al.

Jess introduces the service which she will be providing and clears him through her words that she is there for a normal assessment which Steve acknowledges positively. This indicates interviewer's establishment of respect and client's acknowledgement of interviewers intentional questioning with respect, critical analysis essay examples in nursing. As discussed in previous section, therapeutic alliance is necessary for proper assessment; similarly rapport establishment indicates the interviewers respect to client, his work, and client as a whole different entity Madson, et al.

It makes the session more interactive by placing client's choice in first priority rather than interviewers goals. Respect for autonomy, genuineness and collaboration helps in establishing rapport. The building of acceptance and safety environment is crucial for rapport establishment which was lacking and it seems counselor jumped to main issue prematurely which could have logically placed after establishing therapeutic relationship and rapport.

As sensitive questioning is a screening tool, interviewer is not expected to carry out cognitive behavioral therapy to address client coping strategies and enhancement. However, Jess was able to initiate behavioral change process a little bit critical analysis essay examples in nursing asking coping strategies followed by Steve. In later part of interview, Jess was able to retrieve Steve's family status and how his drinking has affected his separation from kids which breaks down client and he cries till jess leaves.

Although, it was not meant for behavioral change yet it addresses the issue by making him realize that his actions are not helping him.

The interview session demonstrates no behavioral change strategy was addressed by counselor although she puts open ended questions to know about Steve opinion on recovery process. Jess strategy is appreciable as she manages to retrieve important information which will assist the team in critical analysis essay examples in nursing Steve for recovery and rehabilitation.

This section was well handled by the counselor rather she adhere to the guideline goals i. detection of limits of substance abuse and how it impacts. The initial loopholes discussed previously were compensated in these two sections.

The counselor initiated on a lighter note asking about his job, part time or full time. Research suggests dual diagnosed clients are more prone to unemployment due to dependence upon substance and resulting behavior Eddie, She got to know Steve lost his driving license couple of years back. Her questions about alcohol and frequency with a number guess gave her exact frequency of alcohol intake of her client. She tried to retrieve information about his daily life by asking weekend time and got to know Steve isn't much social.

She clears out the issue with client by saying these areas are required to determine how it impacts his life from different aspects. If the total interview session will be analyzed, it was a mix of open ended and closed ended questions. This mix method strategy has been reported to provide much more information than a single method Daley, Jess uses her emotional intelligence to collect every small piece of information such as loosing of driving license, wife staying away, no definitive employment, monetary issues and poses an open ended question to client.

The rationale of such approach is to make client realize how it has affected his family, social and professional life at the same time asking about his coping strategies reveals the client's desire for change. Therefore, with regard to interviewer strategy to retrieve information and assess to what degree it has affected his client life is appreciable and justified logically. As discussed, already the client seems to be in a stressed state and the stress amount increased later due to his realizations of effects, a well-balanced therapeutic relationship establishment could have given much better information on his drinking behaviors and the causal factors and risk factors for such behavior Rush, While the interview session was short i.

approximately thirteen minutes it could have been extended for better goal achievement. Some parts of the solution has been blurred due to privacy protection policy. MENU MENU. Nursing Assignment Question Students will critique not describe an online substance-use interview. Services Assignment Help CV Writing Service Essay Writing Homework Help Proofreading Help Thesis And Dissertation Help Subjects Management Accounting Economics Finance Human Resources Marketing Operations Management Project Management Engineering Architecture Arts and Design English Education and Teaching Linguistics Pyschology Sociology Humanities Information Technology Programming Data Science Mathematics Statistics Science Law Nursing Free samples Blogs Pay Now Order Now.

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How To Write A Critical Analysis Essay ✿ Critical Analysis Essay 1

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Critical Analysis Essay: Full Writing Guide with Examples | EssayPro

critical analysis essay examples in nursing

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