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Critical analysis of a research paper example pdf

Critical analysis of a research paper example pdf

critical analysis of a research paper example pdf

AN INTRODUCTION TO CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF PUBLICATIONS IN EXPERIMENTAL BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES THE RESEARCH PAPER IN BASIC MEDICAL SCIENCES Scientists publish research reports for a variety of reasons. Ideally, a research report is a File Size: 28KB Aug 19,  · A critical analysis essay requires its writers to write a critical evaluation of an argument. Topics can range from analyzing a modern or historical event, film, book, types of music, and complicated social and political issues. It is a form of evaluation and observation with subjective elements Writing Critical Analysis Papers1 A critical analysis paper asks the writer to make an argument about a particular book, essay, movie, etc. The goal is two fold: one, identify and explain the argument that the author is making, and two, provide your own argument about that argument. One of the key directions of these assignments is often

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To browse Academia. edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Skip to main content. edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. Log In Sign Up. Download Free PDF. Critical Analysis of Research Papers Journal for Nurses in Staff Development jnsd Sharon Valente. Download PDF. Download Full PDF Package This paper. A short summary of this paper. READ PAPER.

Critical Analysis of Research Papers. retention of nurses; research offers educational perks that enhance professional growth and development. Nurses want to show administrators they are cutting-edge professionals with a practice based on the research evidence, but they need to upgrade their competence in evaluating research.

However, many nurses lack experience with research terminology, critique, methods, and findings. Reading research requires learning a new language because scientific terms and concepts appear confusing, and nurses confess that research seems dull, boring or "it's all Greek to me"-particularly the statistics.

This article offers strategies for developing competence in reading, understanding, and critically analyzing the research. The focus is on identifying nursing problems R esearch in a clinical practice profession enhances scholarly knowledge, improves practice, and helps clinicians deliver care with quality, efficiency, and effective outcomes Dunning, Participation in research is often a requirement for performance evaluations and promotions. Nurses who want to improve their care, show their effective practices, and advance in nursing must read and use research.

Nursing research has led to significant improvements in nursing care see Table 1. Use of new nursing knowledge has improved nursing practice and patient care outcomes. However, the critical analysis of a research paper example pdf bedside duties nurses face constitute barriers to reading and evaluating research. The nurse may want to use new critical analysis of a research paper example pdf about pain assessment, wound care, preoperative fasting, and depression screening to improve practice but may lack the skills and critical analysis of a research paper example pdf how to evaluate the research critically.

Barriers to analysis of the research include confusing technical terminology, statistics, and unclear research reports. The nurse needs to understand and examine the steps, cohesiveness, merits, and weaknesses of the research to assess his or her level of confidence in the findings.

This article describes the criteria for analysis of the sections of a research report and illustrates ways that sound research has improved patient care. and analyzing the problems, methods, data collection, and results. One of the first challenges in understanding research is learning the language of science see Table 2. Researchers use common words, such as "significance," but they apply a very narrow definition e. Some novices hesitate to critique a senior investigator because they respect the senior's knowledge or wisdom.

However, it is the researcher's cohesive and logical argument that requires critique. The nurse also questions whether this study, its procedures, and its findings would apply to clinical practice. For ex-these results by chance.

Other terms may be unfamiliar e. Learning the terms and specific word definitions is an important step toward comprehending research. When reading research, nurses need to be critical of the research project and expect the author to "show "each step clearly and log-T A B L E 1 Research Findings That Changed PracticeT To op pi ic c S Su um mm ma ar ry y C Ci it ta at ti io on n Parents Visiting Hospitalized Pillitteri studied children's response Seidl, F.

review will be used to document presence of advance directives in a control and experimental patient teaching group. Research DesignThe overall blueprint or plan for collecting A quasiexperimental design is effective and analyzing data; it includes the para-for studying the impact of patient meters or specifications for increasing the education on patient's knowledge and internal and external validity of the study.

completion of advance directives. Significance A statement of the importance and value Advance directive education will of the study to the profession, knowledge decrease unwanted, distressing, and development, research, and theory.

intrusive treatments, reduce family burden in making choices for a loved one, and improve patient's autonomy at end of life. Avoiding unwanted and highly technical treatments is a cost savings for families. Significance statistical A statement of the probability that the results In a comparison of people receiving could have occurred by chance. a teaching intervention about advance directives with a control group, the patient teaching group had an average of 1 advance directive on file as compared with controls x ϭ 0.

Findings were significant at p ϭ. Variable A characteristic or attribute of a person or Knowledge and completion of advance object that takes on different values within directives are the variables investigated the population under study e.

fatigue, depression, knowledge. Independent VariableThe variable e. In a is the intervention or the independent descriptive study, this may be the variable variable in this study or the cause. that comes first. Dependent VariableThe outcome or result of the treatment or Knowledge and completion of advance intervention, also the criterion or outcome directives are the dependent variables or variable.

Reliability ofThe extent to which an instrument is Blood pressure or temperature are Measurement Validity a consistent measure over time. reliable if they are consistent. A pulse of MeasurementThe extent to which an instrument oximeter is valid if it accurately accurately measures what it is measures oxygenation.

supposed to measure e. Conceptual FrameworkThe researcher provides a rational Education and learning are organization of how the variables in included in a model of behavior the study relate to each other.

ample, the landmark findings that a daily aspirin reduced heart attacks were conducted on men and not women. A critical evaluator would note that findings might only be applied to the men.

In a landmark study, Tissot concluded that masturbation leads to insanity, although he limited his study to psychiatric patients in an asylum Bullough, He made an invalid assumption e. Research studies are rarely infallible; they have limits and advantages. Findings may not apply to all settings. Common problems include the lack of an ethnically diverse population, use of English speakers only, and use of only college students or volunteers. The researcher's rationale for the sample selection should match the study purpose and plan, critical analysis of a research paper example pdf.

The purpose of the research critique is to evaluate the steps, cohesiveness, merits, and weaknesses of the study. The critique should contain a statement of the purpose, design, methods, and results of the research before a discussion of strengths and weaknesses, critical analysis of a research paper example pdf.

The goal is to develop a balanced evaluation of the study and its contribution to scholarly knowledge and practice. The researcher's qualifications to conduct this type of research may include expertise in the topic, educational degrees, credentials, and previous publications.

Consultants often have expertise in such specialized areas as statistical analysis or cultural issues. Research teams studying pain and Evaluation CriteriaAlthough these sections are standard, authors can organize and subtitle them in diverse ways.

The reader looks for the information in these categories when the researcher leaves the section untitled. The background may also be critical analysis of a research paper example pdf introduction or may lack a subtitle. Results may be labeled findings. The author may expand the detail of some topics more than others. A research article will contain more detail on methods and procedures and analysis, while a clinical journal will probably explain the research questions and illustrate how the results can be applied in practice.

Reading the original article or primary source rather than relying on an abstract or another author's review of literature or summary of existing literature is essential for an accurate review.

The authors typically state the problem clearly, define their terms, and describe the question under investigation. They illustrate the importance of the research problem or topic to knowledge development, critical analysis of a research paper example pdf, practice, or research. The research problem identifies the topic under investigation that may arise from clinical practice, the research literature, or theory.

A nurse may test a theory of pain or complicated grief or apply a nursing theory such as Orem's Self-Care theory or Roy's Categories of a Research Critiquepharmacological critical analysis of a research paper example pdf should have expertise in pain management and pharmacology.

A study on nursing care should involve investigators with nursing expertise. An article may include a brief biography of authors or may provide scant detail about qualifications.

The reviewer looks for evidence of the researcher's competence throughout the study and for accuracy or inconsistencies in the report.

The title, abstract, critical analysis of a research paper example pdf, and report should be clear and accurately depict the problem under study.

A poorly worded title makes it difficult for scholars to locate the topic in a computerized index, confuses readers, and the result is the article is indexed in an obtuse way. For example, a computerized literature search for articles on suicide among children produced an amazing array of articles on "children" who were adults age 20 to age 55 and nothing on suicide among those under age In the articles from the literature search, suicide occurred during adulthood, but the titles may have reflected the bereaved parents' perspective that "my child committed suicide.

A brief summary of the sections of a research report is found in Table 3. Adaptation Theory in the research study. Theory-based research makes a substantive contribution to knowledge development. A nurse midwife might study pain relief and want to compare the gold standard of injectable lidocaine with a topical anesthetic. The problem should be clear, researchable, and significant. The review of the literature may be untitled but it presents the most current research and theory.

Typically, most literature is recent, usually from the last 5 years, and covers the most important studies. In a historical study or a study with little recent research, older studies are critical analysis of a research paper example pdf. If most of the references are over 10 years old and the problem e.

Sometimes the literature is briefly summarized. The goal is to explain the gaps in the literature and show how this proposed study will expand knowledge.

How To Critique A Research Paper, Article, Journal (Critical Appraisal)

, time: 24:32

critical analysis of a research paper example pdf

Oct 04,  · Conclusion: Critical appraisal of a research paper or project is a fundamental skill in modern medical practice for assessing the worth of clinical research and in providing a guideline of its Future research on online orientation programs with a clear description of the program among a larger more diverse sample is necessary to provide evidence of the impact of online orientation programs. Summarize the key points of the article and your analysis. This closing sentence provides direction for future Size: KB critiquing the literature, critical analysis, reviewing the literature, evaluation and appraisal of the literature which are in essence the same thing (Bassett and Bassett, ). Terminology in research can be confusing for the novice research reader where a term like 'random' refers to an organized manner of selecting items or participants Cited by:

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