Apr 03, · Reflective essays are those sorts of essays that seem oh so easy, and yet oh so hard to write, all at the same time. To put it simply, reflective essays constitute a critical examination of a life experience and with the right guidance, they aren’t very difficult to put together 19 hours ago · For your final essay assignment in English , you will compose a reflection that documents your work over the course of the semester focusing on what you consider your most significant work and the feature or features of the course that have contributed most to your development as a writer, a reader, and/or a critical thinker Jul 14, · Critical Reflection Essay Example Reflection On A Critical Incident In PGCE. Introduction: The way in which we reflect upon a situation, shaped by the Critical Reflection Is Essential For Developing An Adaptive Pedagogy. Critical reflection is essential for developing an critical reflection
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Home — Essay Samples — Entertainment — The Big Short — Critical Reflection on the Film the Big Short. Each story is about a group of people and their actions leading up to the house market crash in and In one case, actor Christian Bale plays the Michael Burry, an eccentric hedge fund manager. He discovers that the housing market in the United States is extremely unstable based on high-risk subprime loans. Burry is expecting the collapse of the market, as interest rates rise from adjustable rate mortgages, he proposes the idea to create a credit default swap, which would allow him to bet against the market-based mortgage-backed securities for profit.
This bet required hefty monthly payments which began to anger his clients and they vocalized the fact that they thought Burry was wasting capital. They pushed him to reverse and sell but Burry was persistent and extremely confident with his decisions.
Later, because of tremendous pressure, Burry chooses to restrict withdrawals which upsets investors. Finally, critical reflection essay sample, the market collapses.
After realizing that Burry is on to something and is correct he also decides to enter the market. This causes him to earn a fee on selling the swaps to firms who will then profit when the underlying bonds nose-dive.
Then, a critical reflection essay sample phone call leads to Frontpoint Partners hedge fund manager, Mark Baum. Vennett explains how the market will eventually collapse due to the packaging of subprime loans in collateralized debt obligations rated at AAA. When the Frontpoint team then decides to conduct a study in South Florida, they discover that mortgage brokers are actually profiting by selling their mortgage deals to Wall Street banks. This is because Wall Critical reflection essay sample banks pay higher margins for the chancier mortgages, which creates a bubble, which then prompts them to buy swaps from Vennett.
In earlyas the loans begin to slowly default, collateralized debt obligation prices begin to rise somehow, and the ratings agencies decline to reduce the bond ratings.
Baum notices conflicts of interest and fraudulence amongst the credit rating agencies. Baum realizes that the fraud will fully collapse the global economy and he is horrified by this. The final storyline within this film is about two young investors, Charlie Geller and Jamie Shipley, searching for cheap insurance that has big potential payouts.
Geller and Jamie enroll the assistance of retired securities trader Ben Rickert. When the bond values and CDOs increase despite sdefaults, Geller believes the banks are committing fraud. This trio decided to also visit the Forum in South Florida and learn that the U. S Securities and Exchange Commission does not have regulations to supervise mortgage-backed security activity.
Successfully, they make even more profit than other hedge funds by deciding to short the higher-rated AA mortgage securities, as they were considered extremely stable and conceded a much higher payout, critical reflection essay sample. Due to the financial and economic crisis during this critical reflection essay sample, eight million people lost their jobs, critical reflection essay sample million people lost their homes, and trillions of dollars in consumer wealth was lost in the U.
S alone Mary Gotschall, Learning English News. The financial crisis spread across the world. The unemployment rate rose, economies around the world slowed down, and international trade declined. Throughout the film, it is clear that different firms were not being objective or ethical. Fraudulent activity is defined as activity that is deliberately deceitful, dishonest, or untrue. Wall Street firms were being unethical by not making sure that people would be able to afford their mortgage payments.
This is obvious through the fact that the firms gave high ratings to different securities that deserved a lower rating. Rating agencies were in competition with each other and therefore gave better ratings to the investment banks than they should have because they were worried of their business declining if they did not. This is considered fraud, as they are acting dishonest and careless. Wall street firms put thousands of home mortgages into one basket of securities then sold them to different investors and commercial banks.
These home mortgages are considered safe investments considering historically, homeowners rarely failed to pay back their home mortgage. Since mortgage bankers were lending out too much money to people who were not financially sound enough to be able to afford their mortgage, and because of this, too many risky mortgage loans were put into the securities basket. This shows the fraudulent activity of the Wall Street firms and the greediness of different mortgage bankers and people within the real estate agency.
These firms were very quick to offer loans that without checking if the people could afford to pay it. Unintentional torts are based around negligence, which although can be accidental, can still be punishable under civil law. There are also intentional torts such as: battery, critical reflection essay sample, assault, false imprisonment, trespass to land, trespass to chattels, critical reflection essay sample, and intentional infliction of emotional distress.
In this film, the mortgage brokers could be considered as acting negligent with their actions of granting loans without making sure the people could afford to pay back critical reflection essay sample mortgage loans. Negligent is defined as failing to take proper care in doing something. The mortgage brokers were displayed in the film as acting careless, yet confident in their actions of granting these loans.
In my opinion, there should not be more regulations to prevent this, but companies should always be communicating ethics, morals, and their values to their employees so that the government does not need to be as involved as they already are.
The government regulation is what initially started the collapse in the market because they pushed mortgage brokers to lend loans to people who were not able to afford them. When there is more government involvement, processes take longer and are more expensive, critical reflection essay sample.
On the other hand, when there is government regulation, behavior is more likely to remain ethical because the competition between firms is more limited. Ultimately, I think that there should not be more regulations or government involvement within this industry.
When the government is involved too much it is easy for things to be more expensive, complicated, and possibly take longer. Instead, employees should be made aware of what is ethical and what will benefit the society and people as a whole, so they are able to have a goal in mind when lending loans.
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Reflective Essay Example
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What you will be writing on your reflective essay is something that is rooted in your own personal experience or encounter of something. Think deep and concentrate. You may also see personal essay examples & samples. 2. Introduce your topic. In your introduction, write the concrete event or experience that you want to share. Pattern it in a story form. 3. Develop your point 19 hours ago · For your final essay assignment in English , you will compose a reflection that documents your work over the course of the semester focusing on what you consider your most significant work and the feature or features of the course that have contributed most to your development as a writer, a reader, and/or a critical thinker Jul 14, · Critical Reflection Essay Example Reflection On A Critical Incident In PGCE. Introduction: The way in which we reflect upon a situation, shaped by the Critical Reflection Is Essential For Developing An Adaptive Pedagogy. Critical reflection is essential for developing an critical reflection
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