Cultural safety is the effective nursing pracice provided by the nurse to a patient or family from differnt culture, but the effctiveness will be determined by the patient or family. Unsafe cultural practices will diminish the cultural identity and wellbeing of the individual Cultural Safety And Nursing Practice The Importance Of Cultural Safety For Nursing Practice Essay. Introduction Practicing cultural safety requires nurses to Critical Inquiry And Evidence Based Nursing Practice. Subject Name: Critical Inquiry and Evidence Based Nursing Cultural safety and cultural competencyIn , Maori nurse developed cultural safety. They developed it aiming at changing the culture by exposing the power imbalance to decrease the dominance of cultural impact and racism in education, research,
Cultural safety in nursing Free Essay Example
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Download Free PDF. Cultural Safety Essay, cultural safety in nursing essay. Omae Justus. Download PDF. Download Full PDF Package This paper. A short summary of this paper. READ PAPER. they can assist in gripping the arising issues for racism amongst themselves, cultural safety in nursing essay. WhitenessHealth care in Australia is inherently a system of the white, although it's a no exception for nursing.
Therefore, in the Australian community whiteness is culturally based where it controls different institutions that are Australian extension of the white. The beliefs and values govern them. Hence, nursing practice in Australia is entrenched as a colonialism by-product following the white culture Priest et al. Whiteness is also depicted as it is involved in the exclusion of indigenous society from nursing education. Cultural safety and cultural competencyInMaori nurse developed cultural safety.
They developed it aiming at changing the culture by exposing the power imbalance to decrease the dominance of cultural impact and racism in education, research, and health care sector Durey et al.
Some did not have the cultural experience of colonialism to share as it seen that nursing was devoid the issues that they designed. Education, research, and nursing care is also recognized by cultural safety as neutral activities in their value but trying to refer to the socialpolitical context with the values, priorities, and assumptions involved Brown et al.
Therefore, cultural safety looks into how people in society are treated but not with their differences in culture. On the other hand, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people can access the health care services and increased through Cultural Competency. The following are the key aspects of cultural competency; transport, flexibility, time, outreach, respect, and trust, working together and support. Cultural Safety ReflectionCultural safety is not just about learning different cultures; it is about navigating through different principles that protect and guide people from various thinking and cultural safety in nursing essay about certain knowledge, cultural safety in nursing essay.
One of the intriguing readings is "understanding and applying cultural safety. This reading also helped me to various concepts in social constructionism and relevance to nursing care, cultural safety in nursing essay. For instance, nurses in Australia usually encounter different forms of diversity in their daily routines. However, with cultural safety and principles in place, nurses can perform their duties well in line with the help of indicators stated in cultural safety guideline Fredericks, Institutional racismThe white privilege among the Australians is of more generalized with competency in the education, health care services and employment opportunities in the country.
Hence, improving cultural competency there must be accountability in all the levels, by giving them nursing education and health care facilities. The racism act has caused a lot of negativity to many people in terms of working, living and their relationships too. Therefore, people see this as rumors, overgeneralizations, and myths from different experiences. They are passed from the parents or society to the next generation. Prejudice lacks empathy or some openness which is a possibility that can make a person to try begging on the streets.
Through the people's world view prejudices is part of it and reflects their values as people invest good deals of their emotions and are resistant to any change. It's very crucial for the nursing practice to create and develop that awareness of prejudices and values since prejudices can lead to discrimination process.
Therefore, this arises due to our culture pride where we do belong since it is one of our identity and not necessarily harmful. Despite cultural safety in nursing essay, those who are unfamiliar with the cultural backgrounds, easily they can make assumptions that are faulty and treat people badly because of the entrenched stereotypes socially basing on the people's sexuality, origin, and religion Behrendt et al.
This applies to the family, colleagues, and friends conveying certain images of a different group. Culturally safe nursing practiceTo address the issue of personal and institutional racism in health care, The Nursing Council of New Zealand has nursing practice regulatory that specifies various domains of competence.
Each of these domains sets indicators that competency of nurses should be determined. The cultural nursing is better more especially when under the following principles of working process; working with the indigenous mentor, cultural safety in nursing essay, consulting from the expert committees, attending different launches in communities and local events as per the requests by the community Homer et al.
Although different experiences are depending on the level of working in the health care sector, it can be a good chance for the people in the sector to address and give training or train the professionals in the health sector Gee et al, cultural safety in nursing essay.
Hence, cultural safety for nursing can also directly address the dormant system of health by looking at safety when seeking the service. Further, it is to emphasize in assisting a worker working in the health sector to identify culture and power imbalances which can be unsafe culturally. For instance, when practicing nursing, a nurse should cultural safety in nursing essay the principles of cultural safety, protect the client's general wellbeing by recognizing the impact of the culture of nursing on client care and practice their profession in a way that they respect the identity of each client Durey et al.
Under these domains, a client also has a right to hold personal values, beliefs, and goals. Nurses are also expected to assist the clients in gaining appropriate representation and support from those who understand their needs, culture, and preferences well Dudgeon et al. These principles in entirety help to address the personal and institutional racism, especially on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
The first step towards achieving proper health care in a culturally safe way is exploring the attitudes of nurses, beliefs, and attitudes towards these vices. For example, coming up with the following strategies can satisfy many needs of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People, cultural safety in nursing essay.
First, is creating competency for selfassessment and policy for the interpretation of the peoples as one of the high needs of cultural safety in nursing essay nurses. Second, cultural safety in nursing essay the acknowledgment of the Australians cultural safety in nursing essay their policy for health care needs. Establishment of nursing and cultural safety in nursing essay practice guide has greatly helped in ensuring that various individuals from diverse backgrounds can receive services in line with cultural beliefs and social norms.
This guideline has four domains that state principles that nurses ought to follow during their work Hall, These domains also have set indicators that can be used to measure the nurse's practices. For instance, one clause states that a nurse should respect the client's identity and goes ahead to state that a client has a right to hold their cultural beliefs, goals, and values.
As per the code of professional conducts and code of ethics of nurses, the nurse should be able to understand and respect individual needs, culture, values, and vulnerability. In that note, nurses should be able to respect this code of ethics and policies as it will help eradicate any form of discrimination especially to the health needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The engagement process of the indigenous people is good and essential in improving the health services and needs for themselves Hall, For the cultural security, health care providers must give empowerment and try to show it to the people hence showing the need of their leadership in the society and to communicate by addressing the concerns of the indigenous people mainly about health care Fredericks, In consideration of the health sector, culturally new ways need to be identified to improve the delivery design of the health care services to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.
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Incompetent vs. Competent Cultural Care
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This essay will discuss culture safety of the following articles “Cultural safety in nursing education and practice in Aotearoa New Zealand”, “Cultural immersion enhancing nursing skills”, “Perception of cultural safety and attitudes a nursing students reflection and artwork”. These articles outline cultural safety from three individuals’ point of view According to the Nursing Council of New Zealand, cultural safety is the “effective nursing of a person/family from another culture by a nurse who has undertaken a process of reflection on [his/her] own cultural identity and recognizes the impact of the nurse’s culture on the nursing practice” (Eckermann, , p) Cultural safety is a concept that focuses on holistic patient-centred care. It promotes the acknowledgement and understanding of a patient’s morals, beliefs or practices, due to differences in age, gender, sexual orientation, heritage, religion, socio-economic status, and disability
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