Interesting Culture Research Paper Topics. A topic is what defines a course of your research. To come up with a good idea, you can look through the recent scientific publications (such as scholar journals, magazines or reference books) available in your school library or on the online databases An research paper examples on culture is a prosaic composition of a small volume and free composition, expressing individual impressions and thoughts on a specific occasion or issue and obviously not claiming a definitive or exhaustive interpretation of the subject Nov 30, · Sample Paper November 30, Sample Research Paper Culture can be explained as a collection of lifestyle, values, ethical and moral standard, belief systems, language, style of interaction and thinking patterns which are developed by a social order to make sure that this prevails in certain physical and human conditions
Culture Research Paper ⋆ Research Paper Examples ⋆ EssayEmpire
This sample diversity research paper on cultural diversity features: words approx. Browse other research paper examples for more inspiration, culture research paper example. If you need a thorough research paper written according to all the academic standards, you can always turn to our experienced writers for help, culture research paper example.
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This research paper examines the ethical dimension of cultural diversity and its challenges in relation to disagreements about social policy in medicine and biotechnology. It presents key normative ideas concerning social conflicts arising from cultural diversity and three approaches to culture based reasons in public deliberation of bioethical issues: exclusive, inclusive, and critical-inclusive.
Diverse cultural traditions, identities, and groups coexist in modern society, culture research paper example. The plurality of cultures in our globalized world can be enriching as well as challenging. Diversity is enriching when different ideas and traditions enable variety and innovative ways of living.
It is challenging when cultural differences lead to conflict, undermine social cooperation, and make it difficult for opposing groups to respect their differences. It is especially challenging when groups have conflicting views about the kind of public bioethical policy the government should impose on its culturally diverse citizenry — when different groups appeal to their own cultural norms.
Should we exclude culture-based reasons in justifying claims in public debates because these reasons are based on specific cultural traditions that do not appeal to the public at large? Or should we include such reasons to give recognition to the diverse cultural identities of those who practice traditions on which these reasons are based?
If excluding culture-based reasons is meant to prevent cultural differences from hindering compromise or if including these same reasons in public debate is meant to ensure that conflicting parties will be able to support any compromise that could come out of public debate, then it may not be exclusion or inclusion of culture-based reasons per se that is crucial in dealing with conflict between cultures, culture research paper example. Instead, we need to evaluate every culture-based reason to establish whether it might contribute or hinder compromise and resolution of conflicts.
If culture-based reasons facilitate compromise, then these reasons deserve inclusion in public debate. such considerations are not to be invoked to infringe upon human dignity, human culture research paper example and fundamental freedoms, nor upon the principles set out in this Declaration, nor to limit their scope. The term culture can culture research paper example as broad as to include all sorts of practices and traditions.
Notwithstanding the multiplicity of definitions of culture, there seems to be a core concept shared by different understandings of the term. The core concept of culture refers to the pattern of ideas and their attached values and prescriptions that guide behavior Baldwin et al.
Kroeber and Kluckhohnp. As patterns of ideas and values, cultural traditions are sources of reasons for justifying our claims about what we should do together in society. But how do we assess the relative value of different cultural culture research paper example when they clash?
Charles Taylor advised that we should give cultural traditions recognition without prejudging their worth based on our own cultural standards Taylorpp, culture research paper example. Culture research paper example legacy of diverse cultural traditions is subject to scrutiny as we engage in their comparative study. We should only preserve traditions if we remain convinced of their value.
Otherwise, we have the right to reject them. Rejecting cultural traditions regardless of whether this is from within or from outside a group may result in conflict with those who cling to such traditions. Rejecters may be able to tolerate differences at varying levels, but the less tolerant must be persuaded through reasoned argument that the perceived disruption of their freedom is only apparent.
Insisting that everyone should refrain from using contraceptives on traditional grounds might in fact restrict the freedom of others who have a different belief about the issue. The kinds of reasons usually included in such deliberations are culture-neutral reasons or public reasons that have wide public appeal and which do not favor particular cultural traditions, whether it be Muslim, Christian, atheist, etc.
Culture-neutral reasons, because of their impartial nature and general appeal, could not alienate any group in a multicultural society. These reasons are used in arguments designed to be acceptable to all in a public debate Bohman Reasons that do not favor any group but simply facilitate the fair interaction of diverse groups and culture research paper example in society are culture-neutral.
Culture-based reasons, in contrast, culture research paper example, invoke traditional authority for deciding on a public policy, e. Only those who belong to traditions that recognize the authority of such texts can recognize these types of reasons, culture research paper example. A reason is culture-based when the foundation of its correctness or truth rests on a particular worldview or a set of traditional beliefs held only by members of a group.
There could be reasons that find support in many different cultural traditions, but these reasons are not, as stipulated in this research paper, culture based. For example, reasons that invoke the Golden Rule of reciprocity, although prescribed by many if not all religions or cultures, culture research paper example, are not culture-based but culture-neutral. Invoking reciprocity can appeal to the wider public because reciprocity is essential to cooperation and has the potential to facilitate exchanges and compromise between competing groups in a multicultural society.
The principle is not culture-based since its correctness does not rest on traditional beliefs held only by members of a particular group. Rather, it is a culture-neutral reason that is also widely accepted by different cultural groups. Just social policies attract support from diverse groups that recognize social justice as a fundamental enabling condition for the flourishing of their own distinct ways of life.
Cultural conflicts could adversely affect common interests. But how should we resolve such conflicts when traditions do clash and opposing parties try to persuade their governments to force others to respect their right to practice their own beliefs and traditions using culture-based reasons as justification? According to Rawls, a just society should be organized according to principles selected using a culture-blind perspective, i. Culture is not a relevant consideration in choosing principles of justice, culture research paper example.
which all [free and equal] citizens. may be reasonably expected to endorse. in the light of principle. Such culture neutral common human reason enables people that disagree on substantive matters or cultural beliefs to live together and cooperate despite their differences.
Bohmanpp. Conflicting parties should agree on procedures instead. Cultureneutral principles include culture research paper example equal right to basic liberty and 2 permitting social and economic inequality only when it maximizes the welfare of the worse-off and only if social and economic positions are open to all under conditions of fair equality of opportunityculture research paper example, p. Culturebased reasons are not useful in deliberating how we may establish social cooperation and therefore should be excluded in public debate.
Jurgen Habermas, while not directly advocating culture neutrality as Rawls does, seems to agree with Rawls in assuming that individuals have a built-in rational capacity to evaluate for themselves which elements of their culture are worth keeping and rejecting. In other words, the freedom to say yes or no to a cultural practice is culture research paper example negotiable and cannot be trumped by the need to preserve tradition.
Individual freedom must be respected. For Habermas, culturebased reasons can be set aside or must be set aside when these reasons undermine the freedom to say yes or no. Culture-based reasons must have the quality to convince and must appeal to human reason if they deserve to be culture research paper example. But this very same freedom seems to fuel the kind of conflict that emerges from rejecting cultural traditions from within a group or between different groups.
Conflict does not merely ensue at the level of clashing traditional beliefs and practices Bohman Conflict may run deep when it is produced by clashing standards for evaluating the merits of beliefs and practices themselves.
How can we properly evaluate reasons if the culture research paper example for evaluating these reasons are themselves subject culture research paper example deeply conflicting interpretations?
He argues that neither overlapping consensus nor the method of avoidance is sufficient in finding the public basis of justification for solutions to deep cultural conflicts. The Rawlsian requirement to exclude cultural traditions and be neutral may in some sense imply making a compromise with regard to these traditions such that political cooperation could be achieved. The same thing is done by being neutral about substantive cultural beliefs or comprehensive worldviews.
One can still hold distinct cultural views while not counting them as reasons for not cooperating with others. This demand to be willing to revise cultural views is not part of liberal neutrality since cultural beliefs and practices are excluded in public deliberation, culture research paper example.
Cultural beliefs and practices that are set aside could remain unchanged and continue to be practiced by a believer in private. These unchanged private beliefs and practices may still clash with other traditions when practitioners later invoke them in public deliberations. Dryzek argues that we should prevent hierarchies between those who have different cultural views. We do this by engaging in deliberation that is free and inclusive i.
Addis argues that we should develop public reason that emerges out of dialogue among various communities as they employ their own reasons to justify their views. Pluralistic public reason should be a product of dialogue and should bring together differing views and cultural traditions in their revised or adjusted forms if it is to attract support from diverse groups.
One could only preserve difference as a way of respecting community rights in a group if that group wishing to preserve its cultural identity also allows and respects being different culture research paper example their group. Tolerating differences within a cultural group is the criterion for that group to deserve tolerance from other groups also see Okin There are different dimensions of inclusiveness related to cultural diversity: 1 inclusion by recognition between cultures Taylor2 tolerance of differences within cultural groups Kymlickaculture research paper example, 3 making public reason plural and inclusive in public deliberation Bohmanand 4 legitimately forcing cultural groups to offer reasons to justify their controversial practices in public Thorseth It is legitimate to paternalistically force conflicting parties to communicate and justify their cultural norms and practices in open public debate if doing so allows parties to evaluate their views through the use of argumentation.
This enables autonomous revision of wills by helping conflicting parties to recognize rather than reject or ignore their differences. It enables rather than limits autonomy because engaging in deliberation gives voice to the agent and gives her discursive space to freely revise her norms and practices. It allows participants to be free agents and makes possible a community of moral persons and moral practice.
Parties should 1 not censor views from being presented in the deliberation and 2 culture research paper example refuse to revise or change their views if there are good reasons to do so. There are arguments, for and against, including culture-based reasons in public debate.
The distinctions I make between the culture research paper example proposed by different authors are not hard and fast but indicate tendencies within the exclusion—inclusion divide, culture research paper example. Categorizing them this way serves as a heuristic device to analyze the three tendencies: exclusive, inclusive, and critical inclusive. This does not entail commitment to strictly demarcate boundaries between these views.
The crucial point is the case for inclusion of culture-based reasons in public debates and the emphasis on critical evaluation of such reasons which is the key distinctive of the critical-inclusive approach. Most approaches to inclusion of private reason do not emphasize the need for critical evaluation of these reasons.
But such a maneuver in pluralizing norms of reasonableness weakens the ability of conflicting parties to scrutinize their favorite views since their own culture-based standards would tend to affirm their own views instead of seriously criticizing them. The need to qualify what it is required to properly include multiple types of reasons in public deliberation is implied culture research paper example in liberal neutrality and in communitarian and deliberative inclusive approaches.
To qualify for inclusion, we basically need to add or emphasize one more step in the deliberative process, culture research paper example, i. We need to evaluate the worth of culture-based reasons in forging the compromise we need in resolving conflict in cultural diversity.
The elements that clash need to be adjusted. Such adjustments revisions, fusions of horizon, compromises can only be afforded if we apply critical scrutiny to the reasons we include in justifying claims in public culture research paper example. But Friedman adds that we also need to evaluate the merits of private reasons to be included in public deliberation. He does this by criticizing the liberal procedural approach that excludes religious reasons because of its culture research paper example source of authority.
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Cultural Diversity Research Paper. This sample diversity research paper on cultural diversity features: words (approx. 18 pages) and a bibliography with 20 sources. Browse other research paper examples for more inspiration Interesting Culture Research Paper Topics. A topic is what defines a course of your research. To come up with a good idea, you can look through the recent scientific publications (such as scholar journals, magazines or reference books) available in your school library or on the online databases 20 Culture Research Paper Topics that Will Impress the Readers. Here you will find 20 inspirational topics for writing which encompass both pop culture essay topics and themes which deal with art, literature, and other means of cultural distribution. The Mutual Aspects of Cultural Development within Civilization Discourse between Various Races
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