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Being one of the volunteers, custom coursework writing service, it would be my desire to serve the homeless people again. Some people avoid taking care of elderly people by using unsatisfactory reasons. Similarly, other people perceive homeless people as enemies of society. It would be my desire to ensure that the homeless and elderly receive equal recognition as other members of the society. If I was to help the elderly, like I did in the past, there are some practices that would change.
Traditionally, people volunteer in helping the needy in society by providing material gifts such as foodstuff. Financial and material support is welcomed by isolated victims such as the homeless and the elderly.
However, spiritual support would serve the elderly and the homeless with equal measures. Communication was one of the aspects that I found custom coursework writing service satisfying in both projects. Helping the needy members of the community requires coordination and collaboration. Communication enables team members of the project to coordinate humanitarian efforts Wang et al, custom coursework writing service.
For instance, providing the demand for foodstuff and the number of donations is coordinated using communication. Collaboration is also important in delivering volunteering services to the needy in the community. It is through collaboration that aid agencies deliver humanitarian aid in time to avoid deaths. Conflict mitigation is another satisfying aspect of both projects. The projects include helping old and homeless people.
Volunteering services are delivered using teams of individuals. It is common to find constant arguments among team members who disagree on implementation practices. For instance, conducting prayers before beginning a volunteer service attracts different opinions.
If I was a Corporate Responsibility Officer for any company, I would recommend helping the elderly and homeless population to my organization. It is custom coursework writing service that modern communities associate human dignity with social classes. Wealthy people are more respected than the elderly and homeless people Wang et al. This is contrary to how human dignity was defined in the past. People of earlier generations associated human dignity with moral values and ethics.
It should, custom coursework writing service, therefore, be the responsibility of all people and organizations to participate in improving the living standards of needy communities. Upholding moral values is an important practice that improves social lifestyles among people.
It is the desire of any individual to feel respected by all people irrespective of their physical appearance. Moral values and ethics attract consumers in most market regions. For instance, CSR initiatives should be founded on upholding human dignity and respect. Helping the elderly and homeless communities would be recommendable to organizations that participate in volunteering programs. It was informing to learn that conflict mitigation plays an important role in the success of delivering volunteer services to the elderly and homeless people.
Volunteering in helping the homeless people and the elderly would not only aid in reducing suicide cases; it would also promote a united community. Understanding the personal life of a homeless victim would promote social inclusion in the community. Volunteer services are important practices for any society.
They should include all members of society. Organizations should understand the significance of upholding moral values in the society Wang et al. All people deserve to live in dignity irrespective of their social, economic and political backgrounds. Organizations should participate in efforts that improve the lifestyles of community members.
Communication is important for organizations that coordinate and collaborate volunteer efforts for the elderly and the homeless.
Lins, K. Social capital, trust, and firm performance: The value of corporate social responsibility during the financial crisis. The Journal of Finance72 4 Wang, H. Corporate social responsibility: An overview and new research directions: Thematic issue on corporate social responsibility.
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Get an 'A Grade' with our Custom Writing Services! GET WRITING HELP, custom coursework writing service. Home Blog Business Studies Papers Sample Business Studies Coursework Paper on Business Ethics.
Custom Writing. Quality And Timely Custom Writing Service. Original Papers. All Subject Covered. Business Ethics Question 1 Helping the homeless is a satisfying activity for some people.
Question 2 Communication was one of the aspects that I found most satisfying in both projects. Question 3 If I was a Corporate Responsibility Officer for any company, I would recommend helping the elderly and homeless population to my organization.
Question 4 It was informing to learn that conflict mitigation plays an important role in the success of delivering volunteer services to the elderly and homeless people. References Lins, K. Custom coursework writing service MOST RECENT CUSTOMER REVIEWS. Need help? Click on the Chat Button for Help. Lecturer accepted proposal for research.
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