Customer Service “A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not interruption in our work—he is the purpose of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us the opportunity to serve him.” –Mahatma Gandhi, (cited in Fall Jan 20, · Apple Inc.: Customer service Essay. (No Ratings Yet) Customer service is referred to as the overall activity in identifying customer needs and satisfying customers in terms of such needs (“Operations Theory” par. 1). It plays an important role in the profitability of a business Essay On Customer Service - Top-Ranked Essay Writing Service: Hire An Essay Writer Online. They obliged and presented me with adraft of the function which I Essay have to say was a terrific piece of producing that amazed my professor as very Essay. The ultimate operate when submitted got
Apple Inc.: Customer service - Words | Essay Example
It plays an important role in the profitability of a business. The quality of products and services is directly related to the satisfaction level of customers. We will write a custom Essay on Apple Inc, customer service essay. When customers are satisfied with the products and services offered by a firm, customer loyalty is born, customer service essay. Profitability comes from such because customers are willing to pay for good quality products and services.
This paper aims to better understand the relationship between customer service and customer satisfaction. I have chosen Apple Inc. to be the subject of evaluation in this paper. In the highly competitive and innovative world of the IT industry, the value of customer service can be seen in the after customer service essay support companies provide their clients.
Among its competitors, the products of Apple Inc, customer service essay. have been the most expensive with the resistance of the company to release low-end product lines. The company ensures customers that by owning their products; customers havethe best products in the market with top of the line quality and superior customer service and support.
The Mac experience is known to be something different and is more than just owning a PC. The iPhone for example was praised by John Gruber despite it being more expensive compared to its competitors from brands such as Nokia, Samsung, HTC, and Black Berry.
Apple products on the other hand have precision engineered products and run on Mac OS which was developed by the company themselves. Throughout the years, Apple has developed a legion of loyal customers with its somewhat radical innovations and campaigns.
Most believe that the company provides a breath of fresh air from the typical PC most brands in the market provide. The continuous innovation of the company has led to its capture of the music industry with the creation of iTunes and the Apple Store. The birth of gadgets customer service essay as the iPod, iPhone and iPad has revolutionized the electronics and communications industry where everything is now functioning on wireless internet.
Apple Care is also easily reachable via phone or the internet around the world, customer service essay. The customer service attendants of the company can easily walk customers through from setting up their Macs to troubleshooting at the comforts of their home. Buying a Mac or any product customer service essay Apple is more expensive than getting a regular PC by Dell, an MP3 player from Sony or a phone from Nokia but the company was able to pull through because of the superior quality of the products they provide and the top of the line after sales support customers receive.
Once an individual purchases a certain product of the company, they are customer service essay into a club of exclusivity. For a high price in availing products of Apple Inc. customers can upgrade their entire experience rather than just upgrading their computers and gadgets. Below are the reasons cited by the company:.
Customer service essay expect to receive all the following advantages and benefits Apple declares in promoting their products. Every claim stated in their website is considered tangible except for the quality of their after sales services.
In any Apple retail store, a Genius Bar is present to accommodate customers on their technical questions about their Mac. Beginners learn the basics of operating Mac computers at the same time discover how applications work. Experts also provide tips and tricks to workshop attendees who make their Mac experiences enjoyable and worthwhile. Apple Inc.
is one of the leading technological American multinational companies founded by three college drop outs in the summer of The company was formerly known as Apple Computer Inc. It designs and markets personal computers, consumer electronics and software with its popular product lines include the Macintosh personal computers, MP3 players called the iPod, iPhone mobile phone device and its recently launched tablet line, iPad.
In SeptemberPoornima Gupta and Rodrigo Campos cited that Apple Inc. has become the largest publicly traded company in the world by market capitalization Poornima and Campos. was founded on April 1, by Steve Jobs, Steve, Wozniak and Ronald Wayne. It was incorporated on January 3, On January 9, US SEC customer service essay 30 years of being known as Apple Computer Inc.
Over the years Apple has developed an exceptional reputation in the consumer electronics and mobile technology industry due to its broad artistic design philosophy and unique advertising campaigns. The company has established a devoted and loyal customer based especially in the United States which customer service essay the company and its brand macnn.
Among the numerous achievements of Apple Inc. is being named the most admired company from years — and was branded as the most valuable public limited company by Fortune magazine Fisher The main focus of Apple Inc. Apple based its product strategy with the said competence they possess through its products such as iTunes, iPhone, and the Apple Apps store, customer service essay.
Apple focuses on the emotions and feelings of its past, present and future customers in marketing the brand. Its brand personality is customer service essay about customer service essay lifestyle it may provide to its prospects. There is a sense of community among Apple users who remain loyal to the brand. The brand equity and customer franchise exemplified by the company is very strong. The Apple brand is centralized on its promise of providing the best customer experience and satisfaction through its products and technology.
has built a powerful brand with a cult of loyal followers admiring products produced by the company. The company has thrived and managed its way in becoming one of the top companies today. Apple promotes its company through creative branding and backs it up with a powerful support for customers. This support can be seen through their experience walking through retail shops where customers are greeted enthusiastically with respect, prompt and accessible answers are given to their inquiries and programs are also offered to customers where they can further maximize their Mac computing experiences.
Apple customer service essay continuously provide advanced product lines and should further improve their customer service supports by providing prompt responses to customer inquiries and problems. Customers are always willing to pay for value. Fisher, Anne. Fortune Gruber, John. The iPhone 3G. Markoff, John. Operations Theory Poornima, customer service essay, Gupta and Campos, Rodrigo.
briefly edged past Exxon Mobil Corp to become the most valuable U. S company on Tuesday, displacing an old economy stalwart and heralding an era where technology holds sway, customer service essay. US SEC. Form 8-K SEC Filing. United States Security and Exchange Commission.
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Why Customer Service Matters: Q\u0026A with Horst Schulze - Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast
, time: 32:56Importance of Customer Service Essay example - Words | Bartleby

Customer Service Analysis Words | 8 Pages. This essay will explain what is meant by excellent customer service, outline an excellent customer service structure and give ways in which it can be maintained. It will also state the impotence of customer service to a business or entity. Customer service is used to set the direction for the business Customer Service “A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not interruption in our work—he is the purpose of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us the opportunity to serve him.” –Mahatma Gandhi, (cited in Fall Customer Service Essay Words | 10 Pages. Excellence in customer service is the objective of all organisations wishing to be successful. However, there is often a gap between customer expectations and management perceptions of customer expectations. Organisations often fail to get close to their customers and correctly read their expectations
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