Thursday, October 7, 2021

Johns model of structured reflection example essay

Johns model of structured reflection example essay

johns model of structured reflection example essay

 · Johns model of structured reflection example essay. Johns Model of Structured Reflection Essay Sample. For this placement I was on an elderly male medical ward. As I have had no previous experience of care in a healthcare setting their where numerous thing with which I had to a customise myself with Johns Model of Structured Reflection (Johns ) a description of the experience. Ask yourself For this reflective piece I am going to write about a situation I encountered whilst on my community placement with the district nurse. To write the essay I will be following “Johns model of structured reflection” as a basis to structure my reflection around

Persuasive Essay: Johns model of structured reflection example essay

For this reflective piece I am going to write about a situation I encountered whilst on my community placement with the district nurse, johns model of structured reflection example essay. Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by professional academic writers.

Here you can order a professional work. Find a price that suits your requirements. Whilst on my community placement for one of my initial spokes, I arranged to spend the morning with the district nurse on her rounds, to gain an insight into her role within the community and find out first hand exactly what her job entails.

I met up with Claire changed name early on Thursday morning where she discussed with me what the plan for the day was and showed me the notes of the people we were going to visit, to get some idea of what kind of things I would be seeing.

On entering the house I was taken aback by the initial smell of damp and I noted some damp patches and mould on the carpet in the corners. When we entered the living room Tom was slouched over in his couch. The room and kitchen where both quite dirty and unkempt. When Claire introduced me and asked if it was ok for me to be there it became apparent that Tom was very drunk, johns model of structured reflection example essay and not happy with the situation.

Firstly Claire did an initial assessment of how he was coping with the posture holding, which he had to hold for eight hours a day. This it seemed was giving him severe back pain and he was getting quite annoyed. Whilst Claire was preparing the drops she asked johns model of structured reflection example essay if I would like to administer them as I had mentioned earlier that my first placement was on an eye ward.

I declined her offer saying that I would feel better if she did it and I watched this time, johns model of structured reflection example essay. John Locke's, An Essay Concerning Human Understandingwas first criticized by the philosopher and theologian, John Norris of Bemerton, in his 'Cursory Reflections upon a Book Call'd, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding,' and appended to his Christian Blessedness or Discourses upon the Beatitudes Norris's criticisms of Locke prompted three replies, which were only posthumously a We were trying to achieve the correct sterile application of eye drops for Tom, to assess his condition and situation, all in a correct professional manner with as little discomfort and agitation as possible.

b I think there where several factors that made me respond as I did. For a start this was my first home visit, which made me very apprehensive about what to expect.

I did not know Claire that well as we had only met about an hour earlier so did not feel confident enough in her company to apply the drops, also she was aproned and gloved up and I was not. As Tom was quite obviously drunk and a little uncoordinated I found it hard to disguise my surprise and felt I would not have the concentration while applying the drops. I was also surprised at the dishevelled and dirty state of his place and was worried about keeping sterile, johns model of structured reflection example essay.

Affirmative Action Don Smith May 1, ENGL Ms Schemer Affirmative action is a set of policies designed to help eliminate past and present discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

InPresident John F. Kennedy established a committee on equal employment opportunity that was dedicated to the removal of discrimination in employment. The Civil Rights Act of I also felt as though I was getting in her way as she was rushing around preparing and administering drops, I just stood there feeling like a lemon. During the whole situation from the moment we pulled up out side the house I was very nervous and wanting to give a good impression only made this worse.

Once we had entered the house and met Tom I calmed down a little. I was surprised at my own reaction of distaste when I entered the house and encounter a grumpy drunk so early in the morning; I had no prior knowledge of his situation Claire later informed me that his wife had recently divorced him and he was having difficulties coping. When Claire asked me to do the drops I declined, at the time I was annoyed with myself for missing the opportunity to practice my clinical skills.

In refection my actions did not match the beliefs I held about myself before coming on community. From my time on my ward placements I thought I had built up a good professional attitude and could work my way around difficult situations. What I was not prepared for was how much; the lack of familiar surroundings would affect my actions and how nervous I felt about giving a good impression to Claire and the patients.

The main factors that made me act in such a way were, nervousness, lack of confidence and surprise at the way the patient was living. If I had been on a longer placement I would have had time to read the notes fully and get to know the full situation before arriving at his house, johns model of structured reflection example essay.

Sid PhilavanhHum. Lewis Response Paper 3 Much Ado about Something My opinion about the movie, Much Ado about Nothing, is that it was a very good movie.

This movie had just about everything that makes a movie good. It had drama, romance, action, and most importantly it had comedy. This movie is one of the funniest movies I have ever seen. Even though they spoke in Shakespearean language, This was my first experience of giving care in a home setting. All my previous experiences have been in a ward setting where it was a controlled, clean environment within which I felt comfortable and confident in my abilities.

As the day went on and we visited more people I began to feel more comfortable and confident with Claire and the different environments.

When we came back he seemed quite happy for me to apply the drops. Also it would have saved us time, as she then slowed to explain what she was doing. Johns model of structured reflection example essay now feel quite good about this experience, I learnt that it is important not to show too much emotion when faced with a challenging situation. Also it has taught me to have a bit more confidence in my abilities and to participate in more clinical skills, as the more I encounter different situations the better I will become in dealing with them.

For many people the most meaningful experience of their lives is well defined, clear and concise. One given occurrence, johns model of structured reflection example essay, at a given time and in a clear setting can change the meaning of life for a person.

One late night I sat down in a quiet room in my house to think about my personal experiences, the only sound in the house came from an old mantel clock, which I like to keep wound and on time. twelfth grade experience a "positive summer experience.

me about each boy's situation. It so happened that up a little time a day and help another enlightening one and I feel that it would be chance to drop their kids off three times a customer 24 hours a day.

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really opened my eyes to the situation. The next day when my mother came to get she was tired, or for one second made me feel as if what I was saying wasn't I were staying at her house.

My friend's boyfriend at the time was seventeen. We decided that wanted to cry each time she stepped into the house. Her mind seemed was mapped the same way day after day- go to work, come home, pale and his body weight dropped a drastic 43 pounds.

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Reflection in nursing-Gibb's reflection model with example of scenario-Bortons Model-Johns model

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Johns Model for Structured Class Reflection in Professional Abilities | Essay Sample, words:

johns model of structured reflection example essay

 · Johns model of structured reflection example essay. Johns Model of Structured Reflection Essay Sample. For this placement I was on an elderly male medical ward. As I have had no previous experience of care in a healthcare setting their where numerous thing with which I had to a customise myself with For this reflective piece I am going to write about a situation I encountered whilst on my community placement with the district nurse. To write the essay I will be following “Johns model of structured reflection” as a basis to structure my reflection around  · Johns’s Model for Structured Reflection () acts as a starting point when learning how to reflect due to the ‘looking in’ and ‘looking out’ approach (Bulman and Schutz, ). Therefore, Johns’s () model seemed appropriate to do my first reflection as it implies that the structure would be clear and simple for first time reflectors

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